The property, which is bound on the northeast by the main branch of Tontogany Creek, drains to the Maumee River near Missionary Island Wildlife Area at Grand Rapids. This location along the creek means that restoration will have an impact on the water quality of the Maumee River and ultimately Lake Erie.
Black Swamp Conservancy worked with students and teachers at Otsego Local Schools to transform the one-time farm field owned by the Fox and Shank families into a year-round living laboratory. After the restoration was completed, ownership of the property was transferred to Otsego Schools in August 2024.
The development of the classroom is a unique use of the restored property. “We take the long view on preservation,” says Black Swamp Conservancy Executive Director Rob Krain. “One way we ensure that our land stays protected forever is by inspiring young people to care about the value of natural places and systems. This partnership with the school does it all – protects the land and builds up the next generation of stewards.”