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October 14th marks World Migratory Bird Day which observes the incredible journey of billions of birds across the skies. Come celebrate with us on October 22nd at our fall migration hike at Bell Woods led by Jeremy Dominguez, Toledo Zoo & Aquarium’s Birding Outreach Coordinator and Ornithologist.

While the warbler migration will be past peak, a few species, such as Yellow-rumped Warbler, are moving strongly in October, as well as many short-distance migrants: Golden-crowned and Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Hermit Thrush, Winter Wren, American Pipit, and others.

Dress for the weather and wear sturdy shoes/boots that can get muddy. The hike will take place on rustic, unimproved paths that are often wet. Bring along binoculars, camera, bug spray, and water.

Whether a novice or experienced birder, you’ll enjoy this birding adventure through the woods with Jeremy!

Registrations are closed for this event