A Well-Rounded Garden with Vicki Gallagher
March 8, 2025 @ 1 – 3pm
Way Public Library (Lower Level)
101 E Indiana Ave, Perrysburg, OH 43551
Registration is required, limited to 30 participants.
It has been proven that mixing native flowers and vegetables together in your garden is a win-win. By planting an array of flowers in or around your garden, you will bring in a host of assistance in caring for it. Many vegetables rely on pollinators to grow, and flowers provide habitats with food and shelter, and offer a level of pest control. This class will show you how to bring your garden up a notch and your ability to sit back and enjoy nature in your backyard.
Register by emailing Laura at [email protected].
Vicki’s passion for gardening and her sense of humor make her workshops as entertaining as they are helpful! Her extensive gardening background includes over 30 years as an OSU Master Gardener; 28 years as Horticulturalist for 577 Foundation; and 13 years of wholesale and retail greenhouse and market experience. She is also a Food Bank vegetable grower. Vicki graduated from Bowling Green State University with a degree in Environmental Health.
P.O. Box 332 • Perrysburg, Ohio 43552 • 419.833.1025